6 Professinal networking secrets you need to know about


In today's competitive job market, networking has become an essential skill for professionals in all industries. Whether you're looking for a new job, seeking mentorship, or simply want to expand your network of contacts, building meaningful relationships is crucial for success. In this blog, we'll share some professional networking secrets that can help you make the most of your networking opportunities and achieve your career goals.

1. Know your goals

Before you start networking, it's important to define your goals and what you hope to achieve. Are you looking for job opportunities, mentorship, or new connections in your industry? Having a clear goal in mind can help you focus your efforts and make more strategic connections.

2. Attend events

Attending networking events such as conferences, meetups, and industry events is a great way to meet new people and expand your network. Be sure to come prepared with your smart Hello cards to approach people in a tech savvy manner and strike up a conversation.

3. Connect on social media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn are invaluable tools for professional networking. Connect with colleagues and industry leaders, join relevant groups and discussions, and share your own insights and expertise. Don't forget to personalize your messages and make a genuine effort to build relationships.

4. Volunteer and give back

Volunteering for industry organizations or non-profits is not only a great way to give back to your community, but also an opportunity to meet like-minded professionals and build meaningful connections.

5. Use Technology

In today's digital world, having a physical visiting card may seem outdated, but it still holds great value. However, with the advancement of technology, physical visiting cards are now evolving into a more convenient and efficient form - the NFC (Near Field Communication) visiting card. An NFC visiting card can store all your contact information, social media links, and other important details that you want to share with your clients, colleagues, or potential employers. You can create your smart visiting card in a snap at

6. Follow up and stay in touch

After meeting new contacts, it's important to follow up and stay in touch. Your Hello smart card is an efficient tool to crack the conversation. Its Quick Intro™ feature sends a personalized email to acknowledge the new connection you exchange coordinates with and express your interest in taking the conversation to next level. Be sure to keep your contacts up to date on your own career progress and achievements, and don't be afraid to reach out for advice or guidance when needed. You can create your Hello smart visiting card in a snap at

7. Be authentic and genuine

Finally, the most important secret to successful networking is to be authentic and genuine. Building lasting relationships requires a level of trust and mutual respect, so it's important to be yourself and approach networking with a mindset of generosity and authenticity.

There are some really insightful data that emphasis the importance of networking in professional growth.

1.A survey conducted by LinkedIn found that 85% of all jobs are filled through networking.
2.According to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, 79% of employers consider networking to be an effective way to find job candidates.
3.A study by Deloitte found that 85% of executives consider building and maintaining professional networks to be important for career success.
4.A survey by HubSpot found that 42% of salespeople consider networking to be the most important lead generation strategy.
5.According to a study by HBR, people who have diverse networks are 50% more likely to achieve career success than those with more homogenous networks.

These statistics highlight the importance of networking for career success and job search. They also demonstrate the effectiveness of networking as a lead generation strategy for salespeople. Furthermore, the study by HBR underscores the importance of building diverse networks to achieve career success

In conclusion, professional networking can be a powerful tool for career growth and success. By following these networking secrets, you can build meaningful relationships, expand your network, and achieve your professional goals. Remember to stay focused on your goals, attend events, connect on social media, give back, follow up, and most importantly, be authentic and genuine in all of your interactions. There are also advance technology driven solutions which are more convenient and efficient i.e. the smart visiting cards, NFC (Near Field Communication) visiting card and QR code code enabled visiting card. These cards can store all your contact information, social media links, and other important details that you want to share with your clients, colleagues, or potential employers. You can also upgrade yourself and your team to a smart visiting card at It offers multiple advanced tech features i.e. Quickhello™, CustomHello™, HelloDirect™, Hellolead™ and many more advance features.

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